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When Should You Harvest Different Potted Plants?

Harvesting a Potted Plant

Most novice and, interestingly, avid growers don’t know when to harvest potted plants. Unlike conventional gardening, potted plants do not have a distinctive harvesting season since you can grow them anytime. This article looks at popular potted plants and when they are ready for harvesting.



Beans are one of the most popular staple foods worldwide. You can grow greens in pots, whether indoors or outdoors. You can choose between the bushy option, which grows with minimal maintenance and climbing variety that needs trending. Whichever the case, the minimum pot depth should be 12 inches. You should harvest your beans within 45 to 64 days.


Beets are another ideal potted plant. They are easy to grow and require little to no monitoring. There are several varieties to choose from, such as Chiogga and Detroit dark red. You should, however, provide them with a deep pot for optimal growth. Ideally, the minimum depth should be 12 inches. You should harvest your beets after 6 to 8 weeks.


Chard is some of the most colorful veggies to grow in a pot. With varieties such as ruby red and rainbow mixture, it will make your balcony or backyard colorful. They are fast-growing and do not require deep containers. With an 8-inch-deep pot, you will get your harvest within 8 to 10 weeks.

Chili peppers

Let’s face it; chili peppers are some of the most popular species in the world. Thanks to their small size, they can be planted in pots in balconies, backyards, and kitchen gardens. That said, they need ample sunlight and warmth for ample fruition.

You can choose between jalapeno early and Thai hot, depending on how hot you want. It requires a pot with a minimum depth of 12 inches. On average, pot chili peppers take between 65 and 85 days to mature.


Kale is a nutrient-rich vegetable ideal for planting in pots. The best part? You can plant several kales in one pot. You can add them to your smoothie or use them in salads. With a handful of kales, you will surely supply your family with a month of harvest. They require a pot with a minimum depth of 8 inches and are ready for harvest within 30 days.


Harvesting an Onion Plant

Onions are among the best vegetables to grow in containers. They are easy to propagate and can grow in different places in your home. A small container can accommodate at least five plants. White Lisbon and Tokyo Long White are the most popular onions grown in pots. All require a pot within a minimum depth of 4 inches. The former can be harvested after 60 days, while the latter is ready after 100 days.


Like onions, radishes can grow in small containers with ease. All you need is to scatter the seeds and water them regularly. If you choose the Solaris Hybrid variant, it should be ready for harvesting after 24 days. The Cherry Belle variant will be ready after three weeks.


Like kale, spinach is another green, leafy vegetable you can add to your pot. It is easy to grow in different conditions, such as partial shade. But a balcony or backyard is the best option.

The best part is that they don’t require a deep pot. A 6-inch-deep port is enough and ready for harvest within 45 to 55 days.


Its no doubt tomatoes are one of the most popular potted plants. They are cheerful and delicious, making them a staple for almost any dish. Besides, they are productive in pots as they tend to grow well when restricted. With one plant, you can harvest up to 10 pounds per season.

Since they need ample sunlight, you can plant them around sunny windowsills or backyards. The pot should have a minimum depth of 12 inches. Tomatoes are ready to harvest after an average of 75 days, depending on the variety.

Sweet peppers

If you want a versatile potted plant, sweet pepper is the perfect choice for you. You can use them in stir fries and salads for that added flavor. They are loved for their crisp and sweet taste. The ideal sweet pepper varieties to plant in a pot include Confetti Hybrid and Jungle Parrot. They require a pot with a minimum depth of 12 inches. They should be ready for harvest between 55 and 85 days.


Fruits That Can be Grown in Pots

You can also grow different fruits in pots. The most popular include:


 Dwarf apples grow well in large pots. Ideally, the pot should be about 23 inches wide. They, however, require a sheltered and sunny spot to grow well. You can grow a self-fertile variety, from which you will graft the rest of the apples. You can opt for the M26 or M9 variety. Apples take at least 1 to 3 years to mature. You can harvest them between August and the end of September.


If you want to add color to your backyard, consider planting blackcurrants. They also attract pollinators such as bees. As such, they can help pollinate other plants and flowers in your backyard. The grit should be planted at least 6cm below the potting soil, and the pot should be 20 inches wide. They should be ready for harvesting during summer.


Unlike most potted plants, blueberries require acidic soil, which is easy to use as a potting mix. They are attractive thanks to their flowers and fruits. And once in autumn, you will love the colorful leaves. Blueberries require a sheltered and sunny spot to grow optimally.

If possible, water with rainwater instead of tap water. Ensure to protect the plant from birds. The pot should be 12 inches wide. You should harvest blueberries between June and August.


Cherries are yet another fruit you can plant in your pot. They blossom in spring and have elegant leaves in autumn. Sweet varieties such as Gisela 5 require ample sunlight, while soar varieties like Colt can withstand shade. The pot should be at least 23 inches wide. Generally, they are ready to harvest between December and February.


The fig tree grows well when its growth is restricted. And one way to go about it is to grow them in pots or containers. Grow them in a warm, sunny spot and provide ample water. The potting mix should allow water to drain if you want your fig tree to grow to maturity. The container should be 18 inches wide. You should harvest the fruits in autumn.

Benefits of growing plants in pots

When to Harvest Pot Plants

Now that you know when to harvest potted plants, let’s look at the benefits of planting in pots:

You can plant anytime

Outdoor gardening has season restrictions and is not ideal for all plants. For example, in temperate regions, you can only plant as you approach winter, while in the tropics, planting starts in the rainy season. Fortunately, you don’t need to wait for the perfect season with container gardening.

Instead, you can garden anytime, especially if your containers are on a balcony or a greenhouse. The best part is that some vegetables, such as onions and tomatoes, can grow indoors.

You don’t need to worry about space

It is normal for city dwellers to think they don’t have space to plant vegetables or other potted plants. However, you can turn it into a thriving garden with a few containers on a balcony. While you won’t deal with large plants, you can garden small veggies such as radishes, kale, spinach, and onions. Besides, you can grow different varieties in one container.

You can grow plants indoors

There are thousands of plants that do well in indoor environments. Vegetables are the best fit, but you can still grow fruits under the right conditions, and thanks to technology, you can use artificial light to garden your plants. For example, cool white light in the blue spectrum produces lush leaf growth on compact plants.

Saves water

Gardening outdoors requires a lot of water, most of which is wasted. Evaporation causes water to evaporate from the soil’s surface. As such, you’ll end up watering at least twice per day. Plants in pots require less water since there’s minimal water loss through evaporation. However, you need to monitor soil dampness which can cause the roots to rot.


There are many plants you can garden in a pot. You can plant something from fruits, flowers, and vegetables regardless of the current space. The benefits are many ranging from saving on fertilizers to reducing water wastage. Now that you when to harvest potted plants, which one will you garden?

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